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Paying with Voucher Code

Redeeming a voucher code on our store is a straight forward process.

To begin, select the items you wish to purchase and add them to your shopping cart. Once you’re ready to checkout, navigate to the cart page where you’ll find a summary of your order. Look for a field labeled ‘Voucher Code’, ‘Promo Code’, or ‘Discount Code’.

  • Enter your voucher code into this field, ensuring that you match the case and spacing as it appears on your voucher.
  • After entering the code, click the ‘Apply’ button to update your total with the discount. If the code is valid, the discount will be applied immediately to your purchase total.
  • Should you encounter any issues, double-check the code for accuracy, ensure it has not expired, and that it meets the minimum purchase requirements.
  • For further assistance, customer service is available to help resolve any voucher-related queries.
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